Pro Presenter has many features that will make your next presentation a success. You can easily split your content into multiple layers, use edge blending, and triple wide-screen. It even has the option to split the presentation into two separate screens, giving you many different looks. Here are some of the best features of Pro Presenter:..... 1. Multi-Screen Support: You can show content from different screens simultaneously. This is a great feature for presentations where you want to share the content with multiple people.
The ProPresenter interface features a left-to-right layout. The left-most column is a library, followed by playlists. The middle column is for interacting with media and slides, while the right-most column shows the screen preview for the congregation and controls for the stage. A three-column toolbar is also available for navigating between the different sections of the software. The icons located above the center section let you easily switch between the four primary ways to interact with ProPresenter.
When using ProPresenter for the first time, make sure to turn it off after you're finished. Otherwise, it will use too much memory on your computer. It may lock up the whole machine. When using ProPresenter, be sure to follow the instructions and turn off the program when it's not in use. You may not have a license for ProPresenter, but you can download the latest version for free from our website.